For full details and to book the Get Fit Boot Camp Cross Country Race at Nutbourne Vineyards, Pulborough, West Sussex please visit the ‘Home’ page or ‘Bookings Timetable’ page and click along through to May or September to see the event.
The only way you can ‘freeze’ your monthly plan subscription is by clicking on the PayPal cancel standing order link* below.
Then when you would like to rejoin, you can again just like you did before via our > Membership & Prices page.
Many gyms charge £7 to £15 per month to freeze your membership and you cannot benefit from any of their services during that time.
If you’re ill or injured or recovering from an operation we can still coach / motivate you via e-mail and advise you what exercises you can do to keep things ticking over so that you can get straight back into it once you are fitter and work towards your goals again.
PayPal will send us a notification e-mail if you ‘freeze’ / cancel your monthly plan subscription.
* Over the below Unsubscribe link Right Click and click ‘Open link in new tab’ then a PayPal page will appear, after you log into PayPal it will show you our subscription which you can easily cancel.
Many thanks – The Get Fit Boot Camp Team.
We’re sorry to hear you’re leaving and hope to see you again in the near future. Please feel free to e-mail us any feedback which would be greatly appreciated.
You can cancel your PayPal monthly plan subscription quickly and simply by clicking on the below link*
* Over the below Unsubscribe link Right Click and click ‘Open link in new tab’ then a PayPal page will appear, after you log into PayPal it will show you our subscription which you can easily cancel.
PayPal will send us a notification e-mail after you have cancelled your membership.
Many thanks – The Get Fit Boot Camp Team.
Do you have any family, friends or work colleagues that want to get fit and maintain that fitness?
If the answer is YES then you might be entitled to some free boot camp workouts.
If you would like to start an Outdoor Boot Camp in your local park and can get at least 7 people to sign up for a minimum of one boot camp a week and lasting for at least 6 weeks then you can attend all of their boot camps for 4 weeks for FREE*.
* Full details and the information we require are on our Start A Boot Camp page.
We look forward to hearing from you soon, thanks – The Get Fit Boot Camp Team.
We hope that we have answered most of your frequently asked questions but if there is something that we have not covered please let us know and we will add it.
There are 6 categories on the FAQs page that you can click to see the relevant questions and answers for that topic:
All – This has every question and answer in a long list (click on the question to see the answer pop up below)
Contact Us – You can click on this category to contact us directly or to start a new boot camp
Membership & Bookings – This details how to join or leave Get Fit Boot Camp and how to book your sessions
Trial Session – This details how to book your first session and how to use our bookings timetable
What To Bring – This details what items you need to bring with you like a water bottle and mat…
What To Expect – This details all the exercises you will do and how many people turn up…
We are a busy team of mobile personal trainers driving from one boot camp / 121 or corporate personal training location to another and we are not with our mobile phones too often.
If you are having trouble booking your session on our automated timetable or need to contact us regarding another topic please visit our Contact page. The best way to contact us is via e-mail.
We look forward to seeing you soon, thanks – The Get Fit Boot Camp Team.
Good supportive comfortable trainers with a thick sole. Shorts, t-shirt, tracksuit, sweatshirt, running / gym clothes etc. Try to wear a couple of thin layers rather than one thick layer as it’s easier to remove a layer if you get too hot.
Gym training gloves might be a good idea as you will be doing some exercises on benches and holding onto kettlebells etc.
An old beach towel or a cheap yoga mat or exercise mat. You will do all of the floor exercises on mats so that you don’t get muddy.
Water bottle / plenty of water for before, during and after the session.
If it’s cold then you might want to bring some warm gloves and a hat, if it’s hot and sunny then you might want to apply some water resistant sunscreen. A Gore-Tex waterproof or rain resistant jacket is handy for wet sessions.
Please avoid bringing valuables with you, as we cannot be held responsible for any losses.
Yes we do. If you recommend us to a friend who then signs up for a monthly plan then you will receive 2 free sessions (ask them to tell us your name and you will receive a one off unique PayPal code to use).
There are no limits to the number of people that you can sign up for this offer e.g. recommend 5 friends who join then you will receive 10 free sessions (via ten unique PayPal codes or we will tick off your free ones via our attendance APP). Thanks!
Yes we do. Full details of these are on our Membership page and also below:
10% discount on membership and all sessions for students, over 60s, current and retired military personal, NHS nurses and emergency services.
Corporate Discount – If 4 or more colleagues from your workplace join Get Fit Boot Camp then you will receive a 10% discount on membership and all sessions.
Upon showing valid identification / student NUS card / work pass or recent pay slip you will receive a unique PayPal code to use.
Please contact us for your discount code before you use the standing order PayPal button on this page.
Joint Membership
Just £10 per couple per month (saving £10 per month / £120 per year)
For a walkthrough (including screenshots / photos) of how to book a session using your discount, click here: Timetable Guide (it is best to rotate your smartphone sidewards / horizontal for the most user friendly view).
Yes we do. You can read the full terms and conditions of this offer on our bottom links / WebPages at the bottom of our website or by clicking here: Money Back Guarantee & Cash Prize
Yes you can. Once you have joined our club and set up your £10 per month VIP membership subscription then you can book yourself in from 4 weeks in advance right up to 1 minute before the session starts (as long as there are still spaces available on our bookings timetable).
Please note once you have booked a session you cannot change it.
This provides a very flexible service to many members who have busy work or family lives and you can pay just before you leave your house / work or in your car whilst you’re waiting for it to de-ice or demist the windscreen.
We’re glad to hear that you enjoyed your trial session and would like to join our results driven Group Personal Training Programme.
Full details of how to join and the benefits and services that you will receive are on our > Membership & Prices page.
Welcome to Get Fit Boot Camp and we hope you have a great time and enjoy your exercise sessions and reach / maintain your goals!
Unfortunately there are no refunds or transfers for sessions that you miss. We have financial commitments to the running and marketing of our business and also for the parks that we hire from the council. Spaces are limited for the boot camps and it’s impossible to fill them at short notice which is why we offer the flexible payment system timetable.
You can book right up to 90 minutes before the session starts (as long as there are still spaces available). So you can book in advance to guarantee your place or wait until the day, but please note once you have booked a space you cannot change it. You can book simply and quickly using any internet, Wi-Fi, 3g or 4g enabled mobile device.
For a walkthrough (including screenshots / photos) of how to book your sessions, click here: Timetable Guide (it is best to rotate your smartphone sidewards / horizontal for the most user friendly view).
Yes you can. PayPal are the number 1 money transfer website in the world and millions of small and large businesses use them on a daily basis, eBay are one of the largest and most well known users of PayPal.
The website / money transfer is 100% secure and your financial information is kept private and protected.
We would recommend that you sign up for a PayPal account which is FREE and very easy and simple to do as you will be using it a lot for our Bookings Timetable and at some point in the near future another shopping website will ask you to pay for some goods or services using it.
If you don’t want to sign up for a free PayPal account that’s fine and you can pay for your trial session using the PayPal website which will ask you for your debit or credit card details to make a secure payment.
If you have any queries regarding an injury you have or any medication you are currently taking then please contact us and we will advise whether it is suitable for you to take part or not.
On the Trial Session page you can fill out our Medical History / Health Questionnaire which will highlight any health problems you might have or if there is a need to visit your doctor before starting.
The Medical History / Health Questionnaire link is on our Trial Session page and is also here: Health Questionnaire
It is very important that you fill out the form honestly and submit it before you attend.
It should only take you 5 minutes maximum to fill out.
All information is stored securely and confidential and is not passed onto any third parties.
The best way to fill out the form is on your PC or Apple Computer but you can also fill it out and submit via your 3g or 4g / Wi-Fi enabled tablet or Smartphone.
Full details of how to pay for and book your first session are on our Trial Session page.
We offer all our potential members the chance to try one of our workouts at a 50% discount level. This helps people to commit to a session and also get used to our bookings timetable.
After your session the personal trainer will chat to you to see how you got on then you will receive an e-mail to explain how to join our club which is also detailed on our Membership page.
Use the 50% discount PayPal code TRIAL50 when you use our Bookings Timetable page to book your session (you don’t need to have a PayPal account, the discount code can only be used by a new potential member once).
You can book any session that we run and try that session using the discount then for any other sessions that you attend it will be the full regular price after you join e.g.
> Weekly 45 minute sessions, regular price = £8.25 and with your TRIAL50 code it’s £4.13
> Monthly super 1000 calorie session, regular price = £9.25 with your TRIAL50 code it’s £4.63
If the code is not working please pay full price & we will refund you the difference within 48 hours – thanks
You can book right up to 1 minute before the session starts (as long as there are still spaces available). So you can book in advance to guarantee your place or wait until the day, but please note once you have booked a space you cannot change it.
Once you have registered on the timetable you can book simply and quickly using any internet, Wi-Fi, 3g or 4g enabled mobile device.
Sessions will only be cancelled in extraordinary circumstances, such as extreme weather conditions like the foot of snow that fell and laid in Surrey in February 2009 and that made the roads un-driveable.
During the snow that fell in Surrey in January 2011 we still ran the boot camps as the roads were fine to drive on and the members who turned up said they had fun training in the snow.
We’ve done approximately 60 sessions in the snow so far and it’s like training in ‘Narnia’ – you can see 16 of our members having a great time at one of our sessions on our Facebook photo albums page and they all got very hot and took of layers!
For any sessions that cannot take place and that you have paid for then you will receive a full refund via PayPal within 48 hours.
No, we run them all year long in all weathers and all seasons. We have an excellent team of friendly, experienced, fully qualified and insured personal trainers and we try our best to make sure that every session is covered.
There might be an occasional few days throughout the year that a few members of the team are on holiday / not available to run them but you’ll be able to see from the timetable which ones are not on as normal and we will also mention them in our newsletters.
Our fat burning and body toning sessions run all year round. All ours are run in very good and safe locations and there is plenty of light from the car park lights / street lights. It’s beneficial to keep training all year round so you don’t lose the fitness that you acquired during the summer months.
The sessions will still take place even if it is raining. If the forecast is ‘iffy’ then bring a baseball gap or light thin waterproof / water resistant jacket to keep you drier. It’s good to exercise in the rain as your body burns more calories trying to evaporate the water that is on your skin. You’ll soon be warm after just 5 minutes and be amazed that you’ll be wanting to take off layers!
Most people go to the gym for 60 minutes but only actually exercise for 30-40 minutes. Queuing for and wiping down equipment, playing around with iPods or individual TV sets, performing a set of isolated repetitions on a resistance machine before having a 1-2 minute break or struggling to find some room to do stomach, lower back work or stretches on a mat take up the majority time of a gym workout. Boot Camps are fun and focused circuit training sessions but the main goal is to have a good beneficial workout.
Circuit training = Maximum results in minimum time!
The largest age range of people that attend our group personal training programme is 30 to 45 years old but we also have many members who are 45 to 65 years old and also 18 to 30 years old as our sociable and effective sessions cater for all ages and abilities.
Sometimes (mainly during school holidays) some members bring along their children for a few sessions who are aged 14 to 17 years old which is fine as long as you accompany them and they join in properly. Please fill out an online health questionnaire for both yourself and any children you bring along.
Boot camps are group based circuit training sessions. Some sessions are busier than others and throughout the years depending on members holidays and work the session numbers will vary.
For most sessions there are normally about 6 – 18 people that join in of all ages and abilities.
Yes. It’s been proven that people work harder and longer when they are exercising in a group or being trained one to one when compared to training by themselves. That’s why all the top athletes and sports people in the world have coaches and training teams to maximise their training and results. If you put 100% effort in during the sessions and push yourself as hard as you can your fitness should improve or at least be maintained at that high level.
The answer to this question depends on how disciplined you can be over a 6 week period. Exercise is great for burning calories, losing weight and fat but only if you have a sensible lifestyle. There’s no point training 1 or 2 times a day all week long if you spend the rest of the time smoking, drinking too much alcohol and eating unhealthy meals and snacks. Upon joining our club we will e-mail you an ‘Everything in Moderation’ advice guide with lifestyle tips ranging from getting enough sleep to eating healthily. If followed correctly and combined with boot camps you should soon feel fitter and notice some weight loss and a loser fit in your clothes.
The great thing about boot camp is that everyone works to their own ability and there are different difficulty levels of all the exercises to cater for all people no matter how unfit they are. New members might be nervous for the first session but the training team will be there to correct your technique if needed and motivate you along the way. We’re sure you’ll soon find that you are good at some exercises and can work to improve the exercises that you find hard at first.
Yes. Your body and mind can work pretty much non stop without getting bored for 45 minutes and the key is to work at a high intensity over a shorter period of time rather than a long duration at low intensity. If you exercise your whole body for 45 minutes and increase your body temperature, circulation, heart rate, lung and muscle function then that will increase your metabolism and burn calories during and after the session helping you to achieve your goals.
Plus we also run some longer 60 and 90 minute sessions 3-4 times a month to burn extra calories and take your fitness level up a notch which are great to do a few times a month as you would get too fatigued if you did them too often.
No. Shouting, pressurising and chasing recruits around is beneficial in the armed forces as they need to be able to operate under extreme pressure and fatigue levels. With our sports science background we have always adopted the ‘good cop’ approach. We achieve our aims and help our members get fitter and great results by being fair and by encouraging people to exercise to the best of their abilities. The only thing that will get muddy is the soles of your trainers.
If you haven’t exercised for a while or haven’t done any circuit training type exercise before then you might be a little bit sore after the workout. Some people feel the soreness 24 hrs, 48 hrs or 72 hrs after the workout. It’s known as Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness (DOMs) and is the sign of a good workout but shouldn’t be unbearably painful. After doing a few boot camps your body will become more used to the exercises and the soreness will become less and less as you become fitter.
From attending boot camp either once, twice or three times a week for 6 weeks in a row you can increase your overall health and fitness. A short list of the benefits are weight loss, fat loss, body toning, improved energy levels, improved posture, increased speed, stamina and strength to name just a few.
Boot camps are circuit training sessions that work the whole body and cater for all ages and abilities. They comprise of exercises that use your own body weight, equipment or park apparatus in order to train certain muscle groups, for example sit-ups, squats, lunges, press-ups, boxing, kettlebells, short sprints, bench dips, skipping, yoga, pilates…